Galway Community College
Further Education

Disability & Learning Support

Galway Community College is committed to ensuring that students with a disability have equitable access to all facets of college life as can reasonably be provided. Galway Community College has adopted a code of practice which is applicable to all students with disabilities studying in GCC. This is in accordance with the Disability Act 2005 and the Equal Status Acts 2000 (as amended).

Students with a disability are encouraged to identify themselves to the Disability Officer Claire Quinn at Galway Community College at the time of application or during the first term of the course. All students are informed of and introduced to the disability officer during induction week and notified of availability by email. All students are encouraged to seek supports where the disability could affect their ability to participate fully in all aspects of the course.

Galway Community College will provide students with a disability, reasonable accommodations to ensure that they are not placed at a substantial disadvantage compared to a non‐disabled student. A substantial disadvantage is one that entails time, inconvenience, effort or discomfort, compared to other students, and which is more than minor or trivial. Reasonable accommodations are determined through a needs assessment process taking into account the nature of the disability, course requirements and individual differences.

The most common forms of reasonable accommodations that are available at GCC;

Examination arrangements – Extra Time, Readers and /or Scribes, Spelling and Grammar Waivers. Separate exam centres

One to One tutorials – A weekly tutorial with resource teacher to support learning

IT Support – Availability of laptops and / or software for duration of the course.

ISL – Sign Language Interpreters where applicable

EMAIL - to arrange needs assessment interview

Feb 17
Mid Term Break
Mar 04
Further Education Open Day
Mar 17
College Closed St Patricks Day Bank Holiday
Apr 14
Easter Holidays
Wellpark Rd, Galway
 091 755464
© 2025 Galway Community College Further Education