QQI Level 5 Course Code: 5M18519
Co-ordinator: Colleen Quinn
Contact: colleen.quinn@gretb.ie
Course Outline
This course provides students with the skills and knowledge to pursue careers in filmmaking with the opportunity to progress to graduate degrees and diploma programmes in Film.
€175 GCC Student Services Fee applies to all learners.
€50 QQI Level 5 Certification Fee applies to all learners except
- Those in receipt of Back to Education Allowance.
- Medical Card Holders (valid at time of Registration).
€40 Material Costs of applies to this course
Non EU Students are subject to an International Fee.
We advise non-EU citizens living outside Ireland to contact the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service on www.inis.gov.ie to ensure the course you are considering applying for is eligible for a student visa. Non-EU citizens living in Ireland are welcome to apply and require a PPS number (Personal Public Service Number). Non-EU citizens are required to pay a tuition fee set by the Irish government which is currently €3653. Some exemptions apply, for further information, please contact http://www.gretb.ie
Information on Migrant Eligibility to Access FE Programmes is available here.
Work Experience
Work experience takes place throughout the academic year where students gain a practical and supervised experience on TV and Film sets with industry professionals.
Special Features
Produce direct, film and edit your own short film, documentary and music video. Prepare a visual Portfolio for degree level courses using Final Cut Pro Edit Suites Film with state of the art equipment and showcase your work on the big screen.
Entry Requirements
QQI Level 4, minimum of 17 years of age at time of registration, Leaving Certificate/Leaving Certificate Applied, Equivalent qualifications from other countries, relevant life experiences, relevant work experiences and mature students.
CERFL proficiency at B2 for access to Level 5 courses for those whose first language is not English.
For information please visit our Progression and Career Guidance pages under Student Supports
Opportunities open to students who did not achieve the desired Leaving Certificate to allow entry to your desired course from the CAO system, you can have the opportunity to achieve up to 390 points in a PLC course and gain access to 3rd Level or for mature students who did not complete a Leaving Certificate to gain access to 3rd Level.
Please Note
Galway Community College reserves the right to make changes to any course, to limit the number of places available or to withdraw a course. No part of this information shall be deemed to form a contract between the college and a student or a third party.